Existing research methodologies are limited to measuring the 20% of peoples' decision making that is conscious. The "adaptive unconscious" the "auto pilot" that helps us process the data we need to function as human beings has been largely unmeasured. Market Evaluer can measure the 80% that is unconscious in a way that is scalable, cost-effective and accomplished in a single source study.
Quantitative Research
Profiling a panel or sample as a bolt-on to a quantitative project can explain the "why" behind the responses given. Each respondent completes the Market Evaluer Values Measurement Questionnaire in addition to the normal questionnaire. The responses to the values questions enables segmentation by values drivers to be cross analyzed against purchase behavior, consumer attitudes, media consumption or other topics that are the subject of existing research. The result is a set of insights and implications that can explain claimed behavior and predict how external factors may change behavior relative to the research topic.
Qualitative Research
As a pre-work assignment, focus group participants can take the Market Evaluer Values Measurement Questionnaire online and a "values at a glance" report provide to the moderator prior to conducting the group. The respondent profiles can give depth to views expressed during the group and aid the moderator in deeper probing as he/she will have insight into how a consumer's values system drives their product choice and decision making process as people with different values respond to the same external factor in different ways.